26th Garlic and Beef Festival
What: A festival to celebrate garlic in Japan’s top garlic producing town.
Why: If you like barbequed beef and garlic or cooking up your own on a giant outdoor group grill, then this is the festival for you. Plus if you’re vegetarian, you may still want to check out the other exciting events. There will be line dancing, an American beauty queen from Takko’s sister city in California, Japanese traditional dance, and lots of zany garlic games including garlic sumo, garlic spitting, and garlic putting.
Where: Takko Machi at the 2-2-9 dome (map)
When: Oct 1st and 2nd
Cost: Free Entry but you’ll have to pay if you want to sample some beef and garlic
Offical Flyer (Japanese): http://www.town.takko.aomori.
Write up and schedule: http://www.hakkodapowder.com/
Aomori City Halloween Parade
What: There will be a performance stage, dancing, arts and crafts, and of course a parade full of cute kids dressed up in costumes, Halloween floats and bands.
Why: If you miss Halloween or you just love people dressing up.
Where: Aomori City along ASPAM road
When: October 8th from 10:00am – 8:30pm (Parade from 4:00 – 6:30) There will also be a free sweets giveaway (trick-or-treat) the next day on October 9th I think.
Cost: Free
Website: http://www.aomorishi-
Misawa Halloween Fiesta
What: Halloween Parade, costume contest, and vendors giving away free candy.
Why: Who doesn’t love to dress up and get free candy? And if it’s like last year there may be a pumpkin carving contest.
When: October 16th
Where: Misawa Arcade Shopping Centre
Cost: Free
Official: http://www.misawasi.com/
Towada Koma Festival
What: A festival celebrating all things horse
Why: See some Yabusame (horseback archery), show jumping, kids riding horseback, or ride a horse or a cart drawn by a horse all on your own.
When: Oct 15th and 16th from 9:00am to 3:00pm
Where: Towada Chuo Koen (central park)
Cost: Free
Website: Blog Write-up
Oma Tuna Festival
What: Japan’s most expensive Tuna on display
Why: Oma tuna will be available to eat and the lighthouse will be open to the public. I’ve heard that you can also book tickets on a boat to go out and watch the fishermen catch the tuna.
When: Oct 22nd and 23rd
Where: Oma Port
Cost: Free
Website(s): Official http://www.shimokita-kanko.
Hirosaki Chrysanthemum and Fall Colors Festival
What: Life sized dresses made of flowers and other displays
Why: An ancient castle surrounded by beautiful maple trees changing colors and flower dresses, need I say more?
When: October 21st – November 13th
Where: Hirosaki Castle Park
Cost: Free
Official (Japanese): http://www.hirosaki.co.jp/
Write-up from last year: http://traveling-tengco.
27th Rokkasho Salmon Festival
What: A festival to restock the rivers of Japan with salmon.
Why: Get the chance to catch a salmon by hand and then cook it up! That’s right, there will be a giant pool of salmon and you can purchase a ticket to catch and keep one. Also, the first 400 people in line will be given a free salmon. You can also watch horses compete in an iron-pulling contest or participate in a free milk drinking contest, squid pulling contest, and bingo. And of course there will be traditional dancing and local food.
When: Oct 30th and 31st
Where: Rokkasho Port
Cost: Free Admission
Official (Japanese): http://www.rokkasho.jp/guide/
Official (English): http://www.rokkasho.jp/
Write up and Schedule: http://www.hakkodapowder.com/